Note: An account user with proper authentication is needed from the VPC account admin.
- Go to the AWS EC2 Dashboard
- Note: Be sure you are in the correct region first (Select from drop down in upper right of page).
- From the left column header labeled: “INSTANCES” (all caps), click on the “Instances” (lowercase) sub-category.
- Click the blue “Launch Instance” button
- Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- Choose an Instance Type. eg. t2.micro
- Click the “Configure Instance Details” button.
- Network: vpc-62fb5f07 ( | VPC Name (example)
- Subnet: subnet-7960e11c( | AMT NAT Subnet | us-west-1b (example)
- Auto-assign Public IP: Enable
- If you intend to add storage you may click the “Next:Add Storage” button.
- Otherwise click “Review and Launch”.
- On the “Review Instance Launch” page click “Edit security groups” (on the right)
- Select or create a security group
- Also, on the “Review Instance Launch” page you have an opportunity to edit the Instance Type before finalizing it.
- On the “Review Instance Launch” page click “Edit security groups” (on the right)